About Us

About Us

Kivasa Pvt. Ltd. has come up with a unique idea ScanNcall to solve parking related problems. Considering that registered parking spaces are quite packed in cities nowadays, people usually end up parking in front of someone’s cars, or blocking their residence, office spaces and gates. You never know what may happen to the vehicle when you park it and walk away. When you encounter unexpected situations and couldn’t contact the vehicle’s owner. And sometimes this problem turns into fighting, or damage the car/vehicle, like puncture or break the glass, and it all happens because of not able to contact with a car/vehicle owner, when they need, and later they are getting angry and ready to fight, so for solve this problem, we have made scan & call app, and because of our product now every CAR(vehicle) has their own contact no. and because of SNC the person doesn’t get irritated much and thus, doesn’t damage your vehicle

you give a thought WHAT IF THERE WAS A SOLUTION TO IT. Well... KIVASA’s are here for make your life easier.

Our unique platform allows people to contact with owner of the vehicle without disclosing their mobile numbers. ScanNcall offers you a QR code through which you can be contacted, if your vehicle is disturbing someone. You are just required to stick the SNC QR sticker on left hand-side of the windscreen. The person can even talk to you on call, by simply downloading ScanNcall application. It must be noted that all these communications doesn’t disclose the identities of neither the vehicle owner nor the person who is getting disturbed. Our users are asked to enter two emergency mobile numbers in our application, whom can be contacted in case of any accident or unwanted situation. Any person can scan the QR Decal and notify the family members of vehicle owner.